
Ahneen! ᐊᐦᓀᐁᓐ Welcome to my website! I use the domain to also host my own email! I’m a believer in data autonomy and self-hosting, and exploring ways technology can impact our lives. If you are interested in (doing) the same, let me know and I can help!


I’ve been traveling for a long time. It is a path my parents put me on from before I was born. My name could reflect this aspect of movement and traveling more, but it is a good name: Thunder Lightning Man – Animikii Wawasuum Inini – ᐊᓂᒥᑮ ᐗᐗᐢᓯᒼ ᓂᓂ.

Along the way I’ve been blessed with a wonderful wife and incredible kids. One was born on Turtle Island, and the other in Thailand, believe it or not. We’ve made a home wherever we have found ourselves. Together, we are grateful for all these opportunities.

I think we’ll keep going!


Originally from Manitoba, then southern Ontario in Six Nations territory, then overseas in Central Asia with Kazaks (the “cousins”), I enjoy seeing what lays beyond Turtle Island. I strum guitar, play drums, take photographs, and earlier in my life painted in my own special Woodland-Chee-Chee cross style. I haven’t painted in 2 decades though; I think the energy I used to paint has been spent living abroad, learning other languages, eating other foods, flying in the sky, swimming in oceans and lakes, learning and teaching.



For now, you can contact me through my email at this site. Shane @ the domain name. I’m working on other websites which use Ojibwa Syllabics, but even though there are Unicode code points for Syllabics (see https://www.typotheque.com/fonts/november_stencil/syllabics/about, or https://www.typotheque.com/articles/syllabics_typographic_guidelines), I can’t get my browsers to properly display the IDN domains.